Monday, June 28, 2010

Napoleon's Army in 28mm

When I first started playing Napoleonics back in the mid-80s I had three battalions of Peter Guilder French Infantry. I still have one battalion. Above is Foundary's Napoleon venette with the Emperor and various others. It is a great peice and I really need to finish it!

Hobgoblins the cat checks out the Dragoons and Hussars. These two groups are almost complete, but they need another 12 figures each to round out the unit. In Black Powder rules most cavalry brigades are 24 figures. In the background are the first 14 Heavy Cav.

The first division. The first battalion is the light battalion from Elite Miniatures. The second battalion is Old Glory, the third is Peter Guilder, the last is Victrix.

The second division. These are 1815 figures, with four battalions of Perry's and one of Front Rank. In fact- one of the Perry Battalions has Front Rank figures in it. The rest of the light battalion is at the painting desk awaiting completion. The last battalion will be Marie Loiuses- raw conscript troops in greatcoats. The division commander is Elite Figures.

The entire army so far. The third division will be foriegn troops, with the one finished unit being Bavarians. The rest will be a mix of Wurtenburgers and Baden troops.

The total army size will be fifteen battalions (36 figures each) or infantry, two foot batteries, one horse battery, and three brigades of cavalry (one heavy, one dragoon, and one hussar/light).

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Updates and news

Well, the entire month of May was a wash since I was down in Fort Benning. So far June has been one too. Too much other stuff running into my gaming and painting time. However, I found out this weekend that a guy I've known for some time now does miniatures and wanted to start doing 28mm Napoleonics...

We've desided to give Black Powder a try. I am working to build a French Division centered on the 1815 campaign, rather than my 1812 Spanish one- Mostly same people, mostly same uniforms. A division in BP is about 12 battalions of infantry- just what I was building for Spain...

I currently have eleven battalions of French infantry, six are completely painted and based. Five are Perry's, two are Peter Gilder's old line, two are Elites, and two are Old Glory. I'll get a picture of them up soon.

The division will consist of three brigades of four battalions. Each Brigade will have a single Commander mounted, and the Divison will have a two figure mounted command.

The Cavalry Brigade will have four squadrons of Hussars and Dragoons. I will be building a heavy Brigade as well, using Perry's miniatures.

All this will have to wait until July, I am afraid. On Friday Kathleen and I are going on a Cruise to Alaska. I'll post some pictures of that, too.

Som until then- bon chance!